
The Archery set functions for 90 minutes every day, including 30 minutes of exercise and balancing with dry shoots, dry balancing, breathing exercises, and warm up, and the balance 60 minutes for the dedicated training session.
Three bows for three stages of training are used- Indian bamboo bow for basic training, Indian bow with 125 fgs drawn power for secondary one-hand balancing and lastly fiber glass Recurve bow for the final stage, which is also used in national and International competitions.
The school has a part time coach who trains the boys in archery techniques that improve their accuracy in the field and at the range. Since the sport is physically and mentally demanding, the archers train in pranayams and breathing exercises, and undergo physical activity specific to archery to increase strength and endurance. In addition to teaching the correct posture, techniques for drawing the bow, anchoring, aiming etc. are also provided to the budding Eklavyas. The best safety equipment like arm-guards, chest-guards and finger-tabs are used to prevent injury.
The school Archery set comprises 30 students. The sport is pursued at three levels; Junior Houses and Senior Houses Groups A and B. The boys also take part in District, Division, State and National level tournaments. They also represent the school at Interschool and Open tournaments.
Mr Arwind Tomar
Ms Kirti Srivastava
- Aakash Agarwal was appointed as the School Archery Captain for the year 2018-19
- 8 boys participated in the Archery IPSC held at Assam Valley School and stood 1st in the tournament.
- 5 boys namely Divij Agarwal, Varun Kapoor, Vivek Pratap Singh Mavai, Gaurav Agarwal, Abhinav Yadav qualified for SGFI nationals.
- Divij Agarwal participated at international Crossbow championship held at Indonesia and represented India and stood 2nd in the championship.
- Aakash Agarwal, Sidharth Jain and Daksh Gupta was awarded half colour in Archery.
- Aakash Agarwal and Sidharth Jain were awarded with Galav khel Ratna Award.