HH Maharaja Jyotiraditya Scindia’s visit
04 July 2014

President, Board of Governors, His Highness Maharaja Jyotiraditya Scindia visited the school on 27thJuly 2014 and inspected the various construction work going on in the school. He first visited the landscaping site near SMOAT. Around 12.20 p.m. he inaugurated the extension of the Faculty Resource Center. He interacted with the staff over a cup of coffee at the FRC and congratulated the staff on the improvement of academic results. He also sought their enthusiastic involvement and participation in various projects and encouraged them to present a great Founder's Day programme. He arrived at the Music Center at 12.45p.m. and was greeted by a Welcome Song by the girls students. He inaugurated the renovated Music Center, which was sponsored by the Batch of 1988 and rented after the former Music teacher Mr. BN Chatterjee. The Orchestra played melodious tunes in His Highness' shonour. Next he proceeded towards the Madhav Pavilion and Field. He last supervised the work on the Dining Hall Facade. Towards the end of the inspection he interacted with the staff and Class XII boys over lunch.The visit concluded around 2p.m. with a warm send off by the Scindia School fraternity. His Highness expressed his happiness and satisfaction for the time he spent at the school and his interactions. He requested the school management team to address some of the issues brought up by the students and also a set of suggestions to increase students' participation in the life of the school. He made several observations regarding the infrastructure projects.
The Old Boys Mr. Ravi Saund and Mr. Prashant Gangwal visited the school on this occasion. click here to see image gallery.