75th Independence Day Celebration
15 August 2021

The 75th Independence Day was celebrated with great gusto and vigour at the Fort. The celebration commenced with the arrival of the Chief Guest, Ms Smita Chaturvedi, Vice Principal, The Scindia School. The tricolor was unfurled and the singing of the National Anthem reverberated into our hearts. The Vice Principal, emphasized on our understanding of the word ‘freedom’ especially during the times of the pandemic. The fraternity moved to the Astachal for further proceedings. Floral tributes were paid to the father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi. The customary silence was observed. Thereafter, the students sang the song ‘भारत के कण कण में अंकित गौरवगान हमारा है ’, and Hiya Chaturvedi followed with the poem ‘है नमन उनको’. Arjun Bhatt presented his speech on the occasion and the teachers followed with the mellifluous rendition of ‘आओ बच्चों तुम्हें दिखाएँ झांकी हिंदुस्तान की’. With this the event came to a close. Click
here to see the complete celebrations!