Eco Club

Started in 2001, the Eco Club has spearheaded environmental awareness amongst the students of the School. The members undertake projects in cleaning the campus, learning about the rare species, like Shankhpushpi, and also the types of soil and plants found on the Fort. The members engage in scientific study of water wastage and recycling. With the help of the school engineering department children maintain an inflammable gas storage system. The gas comes from sewage water, and it is burnt to produce charcoal out of dry leaves for the filters.
The Eco Club is also channelizing its resources in the direction of water conservation. Two sewage treatment plants have been constructed to water the gardens in the Junior School, along with Rooftop water harvesting systems to make the school a ‘Zero Run off Campus’. To save trees and plantation, xeriscaping (dry area gardening) is followed.
The Fort campus provides a laboratory for members of the Eco Club, that endeavors to broaden their mental horizon and seeks to involve them in the making of a neater, cleaner and greener Fort.
Ms Sangeeta Jain